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800 East Terra Cotta Ave.,
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

Monday - Friday: 8 - 6pm
Saturday: 8 - Noon

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Laser Therapy Treatments - Crystal Lake Veterinary Hospital

Laser therapy is a non-surgical treatment used to reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance quality of life. Laser therapy is the non-invasive use of laser energy to generate a photochemical response in damaged or dysfunctional tissue. Laser therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and has fewer side effects and fewer risks. It is safe, quick and convenient, and can be more effective than other forms of physical therapy.

There is no sedation or restraint required. Your pet can rest comfortably while our technician guides an infrared wand across the top of your pet’s skin. We target a specific, calculated area surrounding the place where your pet is painful.

Conditions that can be improved include:

Your pets are part of your family and you want them to have the best quality of life. We share this goal and believe that laser therapy can help.

  • Animal Hospital in Crystal Lake, McHenry County IL
